President’s Speech

莊 棣華教授 Prof. CHONG Dee-hwa
創會會長 Founding President


Hong Kong is a city possessing the highest number of fish in the world. Facing the vast South China Sea, there are more than 3,000 species of fish. In addition, as one of the fa-mous trading ports, various fishes from all over the world are transported to or via Hong Kong as food and pet. Fishes are animals that can be “edible”, “interactive” and “ornamen-tal”. Humans and animals with backbones are the descendants of fish. Since Hong Kong is rich in fish related materials and information, it is a suitable place to establish a society of ichthyology.


In 2020, the meeting with Mr and Mrs Cheung of Utahloy Education (Hong Kong) was dra-matic. They have been providing the Society with great supports, especially in “education” and “conservation.” Many communications and sharing have been exchanged. The Soci-ety study natural history, life sciences, biodiversity, and the “structures” and “functions” of the various “natural ecosystem” composed of uncountable species. Everyone composes the “ecosystem of local society”. We hope that through the Ichthyological Society of Hong Kong, the knowledge of fish and natural history can be shared to everyone in Hong Kong, South China, and even in Southeast Asia, or globally. At the same time, we also hope to bring the true meaning of Hong Kong being an international city, into full play in the future.